Encoded harmonic values in the Schumann Resonance
In 1899, Nikola Tesla calculated the resonant frequency of the earth to be right around 8 Hz. Fifty-four years later, W.O. Schumann narrowed down that value to 7.83 Hz, which is now known as the Schumann Resonance.
The vibration of 7.83 cycles per second is not considered a musical “note” in the harmonic series, which may be why any attempt to resonate with the earth would produce tones that don’t resonate musically to our ears. The closest harmonic note would be the note of C at 8 Hz, which scales to 256 Hz at Middle C. If we scale the Schumann Resonance up to this octave, the two tones are 5.44 Hz apart and produce a jarring, unpleasant beat.
7.83 is a very un-eloquent number, especially when comparing it to harmonic values like 24, 256, or the well-known 432. But if you iterate 7.83 through its doubles, triples, sextuples, or its times 9s, and then reduce these un-eloquent numbers with their messy decimals using vortex math, they actually reduce down to harmonic values.
A quick refresher on reducing values to a single digit via vortex math:
864 = 8+6+4 = 18
18 = 1+8 = 9
Doubling through the octaves of the Schumann Resonance, we find that the first six octaves of 7.83 produce values that all reduce to 9, which is the note of D as D enters the harmonic series in Harmonic 9:
The number 7.83, though, is closer to the value of Harmonic 8 which is the note of C. (We would say that 7.83 Hz is also a C, but a little flat.) And strangely enough, we also see the harmonic values for C=8 showing up in the octaves of 7.83, in the extreme outer positions of each value:
Tripling 7.83 we see the values still all reduce to 9, but the last two get there not through the value of 18 (the note of D) but of 27 (the note of A).
In the sextuplets, all the decimals end in the number 8, and the pattern of .98, .88, .28, .68, .08, .48 continues to repeat indefinitely:
Finally, in the times 9s we see harmonics 9 and 27 showing up yet again:
If we continue these iterations out, we occasionally see two other penultimate values prior to the final reduction to 9; these values are 45 (F#) and 63 (C). These are not harmonic values; those would be 44 (F#) and 64 (C). However, 63 is the value for C that calculates harmonically in the harmonic key of G (a power-of-3 key). And the Sumerians tuned F# to 45 Hz, so they were somehow aware of the possibility to move F# from the power-of-2 (44 Hz) up to 45 in the power of 3, suggesting the ancients were likely more advanced than we realize.
The main takeaway, though, is that the messy, fractionated resonance of the earth, at 7.83 Hz, is actually much more eloquent and harmonically based than we might guess at first glance, existing firmly in the realm of power-of-3 — impressive and maybe unexpected for an otherwise power of 2, “matter-based” material like the earth.
A related video is available on my YouTube channel here: